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Application of the GIF safety design criteria and safety design guidelines on decay heat removal system to next generation sodium-cooled fast reactor in Japan

山野 秀将; 二神 敏; 日暮 浩一*

Proceedings of Advanced Reactor Safety (ARS 2024), p.121 - 130, 2024/08



Application of the GIF safety design criteria and safety design guidelines on reactor shutdown system to next generation sodium-cooled fast reactor in Japan

山野 秀将; 二神 敏; 柴田 明裕*

Proceedings of Advanced Reactor Safety (ARS 2024), p.151 - 160, 2024/08



Thinning behavior of solid boron carbide immersed in molten stainless steel for core disruptive accident of sodium-cooled fast reactor

江村 優軌; 高井 俊秀; 菊地 晋; 神山 健司; 山野 秀将; 横山 博紀*; 坂本 寛*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.911 - 920, 2024/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Boron carbide (B$$_4$$C)- stainless steel (SS) eutectic reaction behavior is one of the most important issues in the core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In this study, the immersion experiments using B$$_4$$C pellets with molten SS were conducted to evaluate the CDA sequences such as contact event of solid B$$_4$$C with degraded core materials including SS at very high temperature. The immersion experiment aims at understanding the kinetic behavior of solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS reaction based on the reduced thickness of B$$_4$$C pellet after the experiment in the temperature ranges from 1763 to 1943 K, which is higher than the temperature of solid B$$_4$$C-solid SS reaction. Based on the kinetic consideration of the reaction rate constants for solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS reaction, it was found that similar temperature dependency was identified between solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS and solid B$$_4$$C-solid SS. Besides, the reaction rate constants of solid B$$_4$$C-liquid SS were smaller than those of solid B$$_4$$C-solid SS extrapolated in higher temperature region by two or more orders of magnitude due to two different evaluation method for B$$_4$$C side/SS side. It was confirmed that this difference was reasonable through the consideration of previous reaction tests in solid-solid contact for B$$_4$$C side/SS side.



石田 真也; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

第28回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2024/06



Formulation of high-temperature strength equation of 9Cr-ODS tempered martensitic steels using the Larson-Miller parameter and life-fraction rule for rupture life assessment in steady-state, transient, and accident conditions of fast reactor fuel

宮澤 健; 丹野 敬嗣; 今川 裕也; 橋立 竜太; 矢野 康英; 皆藤 威二; 大塚 智史; 光原 昌寿*; 外山 健*; 大沼 正人*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 593, p.155008_1 - 155008_16, 2024/05

This paper discusses the applicability of J.L. Straalsund et al.'s technique for combining the Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) and life-fraction rule to form a single high-temperature strength equation for 9Cr- oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) tempered martensitic steels (TMS). It uses the extensive dataset on creep rupture, tensile, and temperature-transient-to-burst tests of 9Cr-ODS TMS cladding tubes in the $$alpha$$-phase, $$alpha$$/$$gamma$$-duplex, $$gamma$$-phase matrices, which are accumulated by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency so far. The technique is adequately applicable to 9Cr-ODS TMS cladding tubes. A single high-temperature strength equation expressing the mechanical strength in different deformation and rupture modes (creep, tensile, temperature-transient-to-burst) is derived for 9Cr-ODS TMS cladding tubes. This equation can predict the rupture life of the cladding tubes under various stresses and temperatures over time. The applicable range of the high-temperature strength equation is specified in this study and the upper limit temperature for the equation is found to be 1200$$^{circ}$$C. At temperatures higher than 1200$$^{circ}$$C, the coarsening and aggregation of nanosized oxide particles and the $$gamma$$ to $$delta$$ phase transformation are reported in previous studies. The high-temperature strength equation can be well applied to the creep and tensile strength in the $$alpha$$-phase matrix, the creep strength in the $$gamma$$-phase matrix and the temperature-transient-to-burst strength in both phases except for the low equivalent stress (43 MPa) at temperatures exceeding 1050$$^{circ}$$C. The mechanism of the notable consistency between creep and tensile strength in the $$alpha$$-phase matrix is discussed by analyzing the high-temperature deformation data in the light of existing deformation models.


Fundamental evaluation of hydrogen behavior in sodium for sodium-water reaction detection of sodium-cooled fast reactor

山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 早川 雅人; 下山 一仁; 荒 邦章; 畠山 望*; 山内 和*; 江田 優平*; 由井 正弘*

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(3), p.893 - 899, 2024/03

In a secondary cooling system of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), rapid detection of hydrogen due to sodium-water reaction (SWR) caused by water leakage from a heat exchanger tube of a steam generator (SG) is important in terms of safety and property protection of the SFR. For hydrogen detection, the hydrogen detectors using atomic transmission phenomenon of hydrogen within Ni-membrane were used in Japanese proto-type SFR "Monju." However, during the plant operation, detection signals of water leakage were observed even in the situation without SWR concerning temperature up and down in the cooling system. For this reason, the study of a new hydrogen detector has been carried out to improve stability, accuracy and reliability. In this research, the authors focus on the difference in composition of hydrogen and the difference between the background hydrogen under normal plant operation and the one generated by SWR and theoretically estimate the hydrogen behavior in liquid sodium by using ultra-accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics (UA-QCMD). Based on the estimation, dissolved H or NaH, rather than molecular hydrogen (H$$_{2}$$), is the predominant form of the background hydrogen in liquid sodium in terms of energetical stability. On the other hand, it was found that hydrogen molecules produced by the sodium-water reaction can exist stably as a form of a fine bubble concerning some confinement mechanism such as a NaH layer on their surface. In parallel, we observed experimentally that the fine bubbles of H$$_{2}$$ stably existed in the liquid sodium than expected before. This paper describes the comparison between the theoretical estimation and experimental results based on hydrogen form in sodium in the development of the new hydrogen detector in Japan.


次世代原子炉が拓く新しい市場(第3章, 第4章, 第5章, 第7章)

上出 英樹; 川崎 信史; 早船 浩樹; 久保 重信; 近澤 佳隆; 前田 誠一郎; 佐賀山 豊; 西原 哲夫; 角田 淳弥; 柴田 大受; et al.

次世代原子炉が拓く新しい市場; NSAコメンタリーシリーズ, No.28, p.14 - 36, 2023/10



部門設立30周年記念出版Vol.3; ナトリウム冷却高速炉の開発; 「常陽」「もんじゅ」から実証炉へ

大野 修司; 前田 誠一郎

第27回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 3 Pages, 2023/09

The book, JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation Vol.3 Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, was published. The book is a collection of the past experience of design, construction, and operation of the experimental reactor "Joyo" and the prototype reactor "Monju", the latest knowledge including related research and development activities and technology for SFR designs, and the future prospects of SFR development in Japan, looking back the history of development of fast reactors started in the early 1960s. The development of sodium-cooled fast reactor in Japan, which contributes to energy security and high-level waste reduction, is reaching to the stage where demonstration reactor will be deployed based on the experience of "Joyo" and "Monju" design, construction and operation. The present report introduces outlines of experiences, results and activities accumulated through these reactors and R&Ds for demonstration reactor.


Development of Lagrangian particle method for temperature distribution formed by sodium-water reaction in a tube bundle system

小坂 亘; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖; 柳沢 秀樹*

Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet), p.1150 - 1163, 2023/08



The Development of a Multiphysics Coupled Solver for Studying the Effect of Dynamic Heterogeneous Configuration on Particulate Debris Bed Criticality and Cooling Characteristics

Li, C.-Y.; Wang, K.*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖; Pellegrini, M.*; Erkan, N.*; 高田 孝*; 岡本 孝司*

Applied Sciences (Internet), 13(13), p.7705_1 - 7705_29, 2023/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:52.66(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

For a sodium-cooled fast reactor, the capability for stable cooling and avoiding re-criticality on the debris bed is essential for achieving in-vessel retention when severe accidents occur. However, an unexploited uncertainty still existed regarding the compound effect of the heterogeneous configuration and dynamic particle redistribution for the debris bed's criticality and cooling safety assessment. Therefore, this research aims to develop a numerical tool for investigating the effects of the different transformations of the heterogeneous configurations on the debris bed's criticality/cooling assessment. Based on the newly proposed methodology in this research, via integrating the Discrete Element Method (DEM) with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Monte-Carlo-based Neutronics (MCN), the coupled CFD-DEM-MCN solver was constructed with the originally created interface to integrate two existing codes. The effects of the different bed configurations' transformations on the bed safety assessments were also quantitively confirmed, indicating that the effect of the particle-centralized fissile material had the dominant negative effect on the safety margin of avoiding re-criticality and particle re-melting accidents and had a more evident impact than the net bed-centralized effect. This coupled solver can serve to further assess the debris bed's safety via a multi-physics simulation approach, leading to safer SFR design concepts.


Data processing and visualization of X-ray computed tomography images of a JOYO MK-III fuel assembly

Tsai, T.-H.; 佐々木 新治; 前田 宏治

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(6), p.715 - 723, 2023/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:27.23(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A method for processing and visualizing X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of a fuel assembly is developed and applied to a JOYO MK-III fuel assembly. The method provides vertical-section-like images to observe the spatial distribution of CT values in fuel pins and also supplies images that show the relationship between the linear heat rate (LHR) and radial CT-value distribution. In addition, an attempt to analyze the radial cracks in the CT images is proposed, and the results demonstrate the correlation between LHR and the radial cracks.


Investigation of the core neutronics analysis conditions for evaluation of burn-up nuclear characteristics of the next-generation fast reactors

滝野 一夫; 大木 繁夫

JAEA-Data/Code 2023-003, 26 Pages, 2023/05




Development of dynamic PRA methodology for external hazards in sodium-cooled fast reactor via applying Markov chain Monte Carlo method to severe accident analysis code; Assessment of accident management of assigning independent emergency diesel generators to each air cooler

Li, C.-Y.; 渡部 晃*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05

Quantitative assessment of the effect of accident management on the various external hazards is essential in the nuclear safety analysis. This study aims to establish the dynamic probabilistic risk assessment methodology for sodium-cooled fast reactors that can consider the transient plant status under continuous external hazards with corresponding countermeasures operating stochastically. Specifically, the Continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo (CMMC) and Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets (DSPN) methods are newly applied to the severe accident analysis code, SPECTRA, which can conduct dynamic plant evaluation in the different severe accident conditions of nuclear reactors, to develop an evaluation methodology for typical external hazards. In the DSPN-CMMC-SPECTRA coupled frame, the latest safety functions of the plant components/systems can be stochastically determined by the DSPN-CMMC grounded on the current plant states under continuous hazard and the interaction between the multi-state components/systems; then, SPECTRA can evaluate the following plant state determined by the latest safety function of the components/systems. Therefore, the advantage of this newly developed DSPN-CMMC-SPECTRA frame is having the capability to quantitatively and stochastically evaluate the transient accident progressions that potentially lead to the core damage under the continuous external hazard scenario. As for the preliminary exam on the DSPN-CMMC-SPECTRA frame, one of the typical external hazards of continuous volcanic ashfall is selected in this research. In addition, the numerical investigation of alternative accident management' effects has also been carried out and quantitatively confirmed in this research.


Evaluation of hydrogen behavior in sodium for sodium-water reaction detection of sodium-cooled fast reactor

山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 早川 雅人; 下山 一仁; 荒 邦章; 畠山 望*; 山内 和*; 江田 優平*; 由井 正弘*

Proceedings of 2023 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2023) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/04

In the secondary cooling system of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), a rapid detection of hydrogen explosion due to sodium-water reaction by water leakage from heat exchanger tube is steam generator (SG) is important in terms of safety and property protection. For the hydrogen detection, Ni-membrane hydrogen detectors using atomic transmission phenomenon were used in Japanese proto-type sodium-cooled fast reactor "Monju". However, during the plant operation, many alarms of water leakage were occurred without sodium-water reaction in relation to temperature up and down. The authors focus on the difference in composition of hydrogen and the difference between the background hydrogen under normal operation and the hydrogen generated by the sodium-water reaction and theoretically estimate the hydrogen behavior in liquid sodium by using ultra-accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics (UA-QCMD). As the results of theoretical estimation, dissolved H or NaH, rather than H$$_{2}$$, is the predominant form of the background hydrogen in liquid sodium, and hydrogen produced in large amounts by sodium-water reaction can exist stably as fine bubbles with a NaH layer on their surface. Currently, the authors study the new hydrogen detector system focusing on the difference between the background hydrogen (dissolved H) and the hydrogen by sodium-water reaction (fine bubbles H$$_{2}$$). This paper describes the comparison between the theoretical estimation and experimental results based on hydrogen form in sodium.


Development of adjusted nuclear data library for fast reactor application

横山 賢治

EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, p.00004_1 - 00004_10, 2023/03



Chapter 5, Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFRs)/ Chapter 12, Generation-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) concepts in Japan

久保 重信; 近澤 佳隆; 大島 宏之; 上出 英樹

Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Second Edition, p.173 - 194, 2023/03



A 3D particle-based simulation of heat and mass transfer behavior in the EAGLE ID1 in-pile test

Zhang, T.*; 守田 幸路*; Liu, X.*; Liu, W.*; 神山 健司

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 179, p.109389_1 - 109389_10, 2022/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:27.23(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The ID1 test was the final target test of the EAGLE experimental framework program. It was used to verify that during a core disruptive accident, the molten fuel could be discharged via wall failure of an inner duct in FAIDUS, a design concept for the sodium-cooled fast reactor. The ID1 results revealed that the wall failure behavior owed to the large heat flow from the surrounding fuel/steel mixture. The present study numerically investigated the heat transfer mechanisms in the test using the finite volume particle method in the three-dimensional domain. The thermal hydraulic behaviors during wall failure were reproduced reasonably. The present three-dimensional simulation mitigated inherent defects of our previous two-dimensional calculation and clarified that the solid fuel and liquid steel close to the outer surface of the duct can expose the duct to high thermal loads, resulting in the wall failure.


Evaluation of fuel reactivity worth measurement in the prototype fast reactor Monju

大釜 和也; 竹越 淳*; 片桐 寛樹; 羽様 平

Nuclear Technology, 208(10), p.1619 - 1633, 2022/10

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:74.52(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In the prototype fast breeder reactor Monju, fuel reactivity worth was measured at six positions as the reactivity corresponding to the differences of critical control rod positions between cores with and without a dummy fuel subassembly. In this paper, the measurements are evaluated in detail, and their reliability and usefulness as the validation data for fast reactor neutronics design methodologies are investigated through a comparison with calculations by using the latest methodology developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Calculated-to-experiment values (C/Es) and their uncertainties of fuel reactivity worth were 0.97 to 1.02 and 4% to 6%. Through this study, the measurements and calculations were found consistent and reliable.


Investigation on natural circulation behavior for decay heat removal in reactor vessel of sodium-cooled fast reactor under severe accident condition, 1; Effect of decay-heat conditions on natural circulation behavior under dipped-type DHX operation conditions

辻 光世; 相澤 康介; 小林 順; 栗原 成計

Proceedings of 12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS12) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2022/10

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR)において、炉心溶融を含むシビアアクシデント時の安全性強化のため、炉内冷却機器の設計と運用を最適化することが重要である。SFRの原子炉容器を模擬した1/10縮尺の水試験装置を用いて、原子炉容器内部の自然循環現象を把握するための水試験を実施している。本報では、炉心燃料とコアキャッチャ上の燃料デブリの発熱割合が原子炉容器内部の自然循環挙動へ与える影響を調査するために、浸漬型DHXを運転した条件で実施した実験結果を示す。全体の発熱量を一定として、全体の発熱量に対するコアキャッチャ上の燃料デブリの発熱割合を20%, 80%とした2条件で原子炉容器内部の温度分布及び流速分布を計測した。炉心部とコアキャッチャ上の燃料デブリの発熱割合による炉容器内の自然循環挙動への影響を定量的に把握した。


Development of safety design criteria and safety design guidelines for Generation IV sodium-cooled fast reactors

二神 敏; 久保 重信; Sofu, T.*; Ammirabile, L.*; Gauthe, P.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety; Strengthening Safety of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs (TIC 2022) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/10

In the framework of the GIF, an effort to develop Safety Design Criteria (SDC) for SFR systems was initiated in 2011. For this purpose, an SDC task force (SDC-TF) was formulated in July 2011. The SDC-TF members consist of representatives of CIAE (China), CEA (France), JAEA (Japan), KAERI, KINS (Republic of Korea), IPPE (Russia), ANL, INL, ORNL (United States of America), EC and IAEA. This paper describes the outline of the SDC and SDGs contents and its development background as shown above. These SDC and SDGs refer related IAEA safety standards, such as SSR-2/1 Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design, SSG-52 Design of the Reactor Core for Nuclear Power Plants. This paper focuses on both technology neutral aspects, which are common parts between the SDC/SDG and IAEA standards, and SFR specific aspects.

252 件中 1件目~20件目を表示